In addition to prosaic texts, Kateřina Tučková is the author of several publications on visual arts, especially modern and contemporary painting. She has written monographies of several members of the Radar Group, being the first author who dealt with the almost forgotten work of the authors of the so-called grey area, for example, Radim Malát (Nakladatelství Vltavín, 2007) and Ohlédnutí za dílem Dobroslava Folla (Dobroslav Foll’s Retrospective; Nakladatelství Vltavín, 2008).
She is also the author of many exhibition catalogues, for example, Michael Rittstein: Práce na papíře (Michael Rittstein: Works on Paper; Nakladatelství Vltavín, 2005), Michael Rittstein: Malé formáty (Michael Rittstein: Small Formats; Nakladatelství Vltavín, 2009), Normální malba (Normal Painting; ARSkontakt, 2008) and Transfer (Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, 2008), and studies such as K vizuální podobě překladů české literatury v zahraničí (On the Visual Form of Foreign Translations of Czech Literature; Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic, 2010 a 2011), etc.
For more information about Kateřina Tučková’s publications on visual arts, please go to http://arskontakt.org/naklad.php